Bashkortostan: » Р 528 АС 102 Rostov region: » Airport and airfield maintenance equipment » 10406, М 925 РТ 161, Р 377 ЕР 761, Т 347 РР 161 Tatarstan: » А 5131 16
Dear users! The site administration decided to soften the criteria and conditions for accepting photos taken on mobile phones in order to expand the range of users! The review is conducted on an individual basis. Separate review criteria for specific regions.
Softening the criteria does not mean that they will publish everything in a row. If there are critical comments, the photos will also be rejected, as before.
December 31, 2024
Уважаемые авторы и гости нашего сайта! Администрация сайта поздравляет вас с наступающим Новым Годом и желает Вам крепчайшего здоровья, отличного настроения, успехов во всех ваших делах ну и конечно огромного количества шикарных фотографий! Пусть все желания, которые вы загадаете в новогоднюю ночь исполнятся в кратчайшие сроки!
October 12, 2024
Dear site users!
We would like to inform you that due to numerous complaints about strict and unfair photo moderation, the site administration has decided to review previously published photo materials. Please carefully review the "Journal" in your Personal account.
September 27, 2024
Recruitment is open for the following areas:
— Photo modeler
— Comment moderator
— Photomoderator of creative photos
— Photomoderator of non-author photos
Dear users!
We are glad to present you the new Ekstrokarphoto website, we have done everything for the convenience of working with it.
— added a complete database
— optimized and prepared a new engine!
You only need to transfer your old photos, unfortunately the old resource is no longer available and it is simply impossible to "transfer" old users and photos!